It has now been fairly well established that UFOs (rebranded "UAPs") are real, and not imaginary or fictitious. Additionally, there is little doubt that the non-human intelligences ("NHIs") responsible for UFOs have been interacting with our planet for a great many years. There is also mounting evidence that elements of the United States government have been actively covering up the existence of NHIs, all while operating a program to recover and reverse engineer non-human technology. At the same time, many groups and individuals are actively working to bring about Disclosure of the NHI presence on Earth.
Every human being has a right to know the truth about this topic, and there appears to be a simple and direct path to make that happen. This website has been created to allow you, personally, to participate in achieving that goal. Keep reading to learn more.
New evidence has come to light suggesting that humans can telepathically communicate with NHIs. Our plan for NHI contact is to have as many people as possible all telepathically transmit the same message at the same time. That message will ask the NHIs to open a transparent and ongoing dialogue with the human race.
Our message will also request that the NHIs demonstrate their existence to humanity by displaying a geometric pattern of lights on the earth's moon. See below for the exact message and broadcast times. Please participate, especially if you are an Experiencer, a psychic, a remote viewer or otherwise talented.
Humans cannot currently produce enough power to display lights on the moon that would be visible from earth. NHI's apparently can. Dr. Kevin Knuth discussed the power and luminosity profiles of single UAP craft in this excellent presentation at the 2023 Sol Symposium. The lunar light display requested in our message, will hopefully force world governments to admit the existence of NHIs.
This is the first message we will all send together (if you're not sure how to send a telepathic message see our Telepathy Tips section below):
On behalf of the humans of planet Earth, we request to establish a mutually beneficial ongoing dialog with any non-human who receives this message. We are committed to non-violence and love. We respectfully request that, if possible, you demonstrate your existence to the people of Earth by displaying a geometric pattern of lights on the surface of our planet's moon for one hour or more. One hour is one-twenty-fourth of the time needed for our planet to rotate once on its axis.
Please repeat the message three times. The whole thing should only take a few minutes. (And you have to admit, if this works, it would be pretty cool.)
We will group-transmit twice per month on the days of the first and third quarter moons (i.e. when the moon is half full). We will send our message twice each day, 12 hours apart, at 7:00 A.M and 7:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time (PST). Please try to do at least one. So that's 7 A.M. and 7 P.M. in Los Angeles, 10 A.M. and 10 P.M. in New York, etc.
A more accurate way to talk about the Time Zone is to call it "UTC-8" rather that "PST". That's because many places in the Pacific Standard Time (PST) zone switch over to Mountain Standard Time (MST) during daylight savings time (i.e. during the Northern Hemisphere summer.) It's less ambiguous to just say "UTC-8" because nobody has to think about daylight savings time. For reference, in case it helps, the current "UTC-8" date and time when you opened this page was:
Click below for full details on how to convert "UTC-8" to your local time.
Since the whole point of this exercise is for everyone to do the telepathic transmission at the same time, it's pretty important that you figure out how to convert from PST (UTC-8) to your local time zone. You can use a website like or look at the list below (click on a time zone for more details):
The first thing to realize is that telepathy actually isn't a big deal. You probably already know how to do it, and, in fact, you have likely done it plenty of times in your life without realizing it.
First, find a relatively quiet, peaceful place where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes, relax and try your best to clear your mind. Sometimes it helps to concentrate on your breathing. Picture in your mind, the words of the message you want to send. Say those words in your mind and picture them flying through the air and reaching the entities you wish to contact. It's important to focus your attention and concentrate on sending the message, one sentence at a time. That's pretty much all there is to it.
There are various "protocols" you can follow to help improve your telepathic ability, but those are basically just common sense health tips that you already know: eat healthy organic natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables; exercise; get plenty of sleep; drink lots of water; spend time in nature, or interacting with animals.
Pro Tip:
This is going to sound weird, but read all the way to the end. Right before you begin your transmission, try to feel unconditional love, as intensely as you can. One way to do this is to think about how much you love your pet or your child, and try to immerse yourself in that feeling. While you're telepathically transmitting, imagine yourself projecting that love along with the words of your message.
There is actually a compelling (though theoretical) scientific reason to do this. Your normal five senses (vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste) are all based on physical processes which occur in four-dimensional space-time. (Watch this short video to understand what is meant by the "dimension" in this context -- it discusses the three dimensions of "space"; Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is responsible for the idea that time is also a dimension.) There is a lot of evidence to suggest that "psychic" phenomena (including telepathy) involve processes that are occurring in non-space-time dimensions. (The existence of other dimensions -- i.e. coordinate axes -- is fairly well established; you can watch this video for a deep dive on that topic.) It turns out that the feeling of unconditional love might be fundamentally different from other feelings you experience and may also involve non-space-time processes. So experiencing, and focusing on, the feeling of unconditional love, might open a gateway to telepathic and other (theoretically) non-space-time phenomena.
If our efforts are fully successful, you'll presumably hear about it on the news. You could also just go outside and look for yourself. Nonetheless, we will update this website periodically to report the results of this work. That being said though, we really have no idea at all what might be involved for NHIs to do what we are asking. It could be as simple as an NHI flipping a light switch. Or it might involve many years of political intrigue and discussion amongst thousands of members of hundreds of different species.
The most important thing you can do to prepare for our first attempt is to tell people about this site and encourage them to participate. (But see the "Discretion" section, below.) If you have time, and you want to do something to prepare for our first attempt, that's great -- there are plenty of ideas an inspirations to be found in the links that are provided in the "Resources" portion of our Telepathy Tips section above. Don't overthink this though -- the existence of telepathic communication between humans and NHIs is well established, and you'll do just fine even if you don't make any special extra efforts.
Although we certainly want as many people as possible to participate, please exercise discretion and common sense when deciding who you tell about this work. It will not be helpful to have a large number of skeptical voices generating self-doubt amongst otherwise capable telepathic communicators. Moreover, it has been fairly well established that skeptics and doubters actually can inhibit the success of attempted Human Initiated Contact Experiences (HICE).
As an interesting side note, the idea of NHI's displaying lights on the moon is not new. Strange lights on the moon have been observed by professional astronomers for hundreds of years and many Ufologists have speculated that NHIs/aliens might be the responsible for these phenomena. Just one example is provided by an interesting article in the Journal of Borderland Research vol. 50 no. 2 on page 28, column 2 (page 28 is the 30th page of the linked pdf file.) Now, obviously, the Journal of Borderland Research is not an authoritative peer reviewed journal, but take a look at this article about "Transient Lunar Phenomenon" published in The Astrophysical Journal (which is highly respected and peer-reviewed.) Wikipedia even has an entry on the topic of "Transient Lunar Phenomenon". For purposes of the message we are sending, the bottom line is that our request for a modest lunar light show is not unreasonable.
If you telepathically sent the message and want to be counted, or if you want to provide new information regarding your experience, please check the appropriate boxes on the form and hit submit. All other information is optional. You can also ask us to add you to our email list by checking the box on the form. Note: if you signup for our email list, you will be able to get reminders customized for your specific timezone.
If you really want to reach us about something important, its probably better to send an email to: